KMX Kids' Spring Registration Now Open!

Kids' Spring Session is now online and registration is now OPEN!! Register online or in person/by phone between the hours of 4:30-9 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays. Look for the flower logo to find the fall kids and teens programs.

Spring Session Info
Spring Session dates: March 9 - June 4
(Break from March 16 - March 20)
Little Champions- Ages 4-6
Classes Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:00-6:30
Basic Training- Ages 7-12 beginner level (first six months of training)
Classes Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:30-7:00
Boot Camp- Ages 7-12 intermediate level
Classes Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:00-7:30
Advanced Class- Ages 7-12 advanced level
Classes Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:30-8:15
Kids' Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ)- Ages 7-11
Classes Monday and Wednesday 6:30-7:30
NOTE FOR FAMILY MEMBERSHIPS- If you have an all inclusive family membership, please email for registration procedure for Winter session.
Every child should learn some self defense skills. Not only could it their lives some day, the confidence earned through self defense training can help them in their day to day lives! We have created a dynamic program that instructs students in realistic self defense, motivates them to improve their overall level of fitness & enriches them with crucial life skills so they can become CHAMPIONS in all aspects of their life.
Our goal is for the students to realize that becoming a successful and accomplished person, a true CHAMPION, takes hard work and dedication. Respect, discipline, focus, sportsmanship, teamwork, manners and common sense are just some of the life skills carefully woven into the km-X curriculum.
The km-X™ program is designed so that the children will have the opportunity to test at the end of every 3 months. Testing is truly an integral part of the program, as it:
1. gives the kids a reachable goal to achieve,
2. lets the kids see their own progress and
3. motivates and rewards the kids for their hard work and commitment to something so meaningful.