Quotes and Testimonials
Put together in an exciting and rewarding package, and incorporating such important issues as personal safety and building strong character, km-X is a wonderful program for our children. In an increasingly demanding, and sometimes scary world, km-X offers our children an opportunity to strengthen themselves both physically and mentally, providing them important tools for their healthy physical, emotional, social, and psychological development. A program such as this would be an amazing opportunity for any child.
- Randy Gold
Psy. D. Child and Family Therapist and Author: The Feelings Box
Our 6½ year old daughter was great at sports and very social, but being very small for her age was starting to affect her confidence. We wanted her to feel powerful, strong and know that she could defend herself against someone much bigger than she was. After only five months of Krav Maga she has learned many impressive moves. She has more confidence and is not easily intimidated by new situations or people. She says she can’t wait until she is a black belt and knows it will take a few years, but that is, “okay because I’ll be a teenager who no one will mess with”.
- Michelle Lieberman, Parent
For Riley, I think Krav Maga has given him a better sense of confidence in dealing with people. He has always had a strong sense of right and wrong, but now he has the confidence to assess the situation and take what steps are necessary for a positive outcome.
-Majid Ali
Parent & Krav Maga Student